Give East Metro Youth Service’s (EMYS) site a fresh look and feel, making it easy to navigate for users and easy for people working on the back-end.
Make the site appealing and accessible to adolescents, in both design and language. The mental health sector is famous for using jargon and fancy terms, but the site needed to use plain language. It needs to be informative yet casual, professional yet friendly.
Since the EMYS launch, Aisling Discoveries and EMYS amalgamated to become Strides Toronto. The website needed to be re-skinned to reflect the new visual identity (by Co-Effect Creative). The original EMYS website is shown below, as well as the updated Strides Toronto website.
- Conceptualization
- Art Direction
- Strategy
- Research
- Wireframing
- Focus Groups
- Prototyping
- Web Design
- Front-End Development
